Saturday, January 4, 2014

Devious Women

I went down to the folks today and read my little sister the copy so far. She's a fantastic writer, with a healthy dose of quirk and a dash of wit; she's pretty much the perfect creative springboard person. After much giggling, a visit from our retriever and one awkward but sweet dad joke delivered by my wandering father, we had added a few extra pages and a possible epilogue. Pretty funny stuff, I might add. However, we do have a tendency to laugh at things no one else understands (we made innuendos about KFC for 2 hours once), so hopefully it will come across as entertaining for the rest of the world ;)


Coffee n' Motivation

So the first draft of the first half or so of the book (18 pages so far) is written. There is still that pesky resolution I need to come to. I think twenty-odd is a good amount for a non-kids kids book, right?

I drew three pages worth over this Christmas break and I have to admit, kind of in love with them. Before I was writing-drawing-painting one page at a time, but that doesn't give me much leeway if I change anything, so this system is working better for me :)

Any tips from writers, kids book authors, illustrators, etc?


So I've made it my goal to finish my semi-kid's book, Frank n' Goat, this year (September, actually. But that will probably change. No! It won't. I'll get it done.) In order to keep me kosher and to give you a sneak peek, I've set up this little corner on the internet, so you can see this monster come to life. Hurrah!
